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Welcome to OUR DREAM HOUSE!!
Friday, November 28, 2008Y


yoyoyo i'm here again!!! have been lazy these few days so never go online to blog!! Aiyo sorry la!! cant change my lazy character!! haha:)

ok so last fri(which was one week ago..) i went to a "mega" patrol outing with the guides!! quite fun but the sad thing is only 2 sec4s went... ya the 2 people are me n aiswarya!!! haha we were like the guardians of the group cause we always take the back when we cycle... sit on the bench when the rest were playing sand & making SAND BALLS... & were the 2s who ran the least during captains ball!! haha
but the most upset thing was that i got sunburnt aft the outing...:(

then on sunday(23/11) i went to tian tian huo guo to have steamboat with merri & winghay!! had a very filling lunch tht day & i tink that i gained much weight aft that meal haha!! can tell that we ate a lot rite!!:) haha!!

then the rest of the days... i eat... sleep... watch... shop... breathe...(which is the most important) haha!!

ok.. as for today... i'm going malaysia later... which part of malaysia???? eh Kulai... which is like 3 stops aft tanjong pagar if u take the train!! thoo....thoooooooooooo!;) ok hope i'll have fun there!!!

blog agin aft tue!!!

happy holidays!!!

heart blue w/ glitter 11/28/2008 09:46:00 AM

Thursday, November 20, 2008Y


Went to watch movie with clarice, daphne, aiswarya, shankari at cathay just now!!! Wanted to watch "Body of Lies" at first but didnt in the end cause daphne's & aiswarya's bdae havent over yet... so have to watch another movie...

ya guess wat... we decided to watch "The Coffin" instead! oh my never thought that i'll watch horror movie aft trying to watch the maid!! but still, i followed them n almost got heartattack watching it!!!

wow i tink its really scary man, though shankari felt that the show was SILLY!! she kept laughing during the screening when Ais tried to cover her eyes during the show!!!
haha but luckily she wasnt sitting beside me if not she would have laughed even louder!!!
cause i closed my eyes everytime there's the scary sound effects... I also almost jump out of my seat when the dead man suddenly moved his hand!!! then i even screeched in the theatre!!! I tink it was super scary!!!!!! dont tink i watching another horror movie le!!! dun wanna get heart attack le!!!

hope i dun get nightmare tonight!!


heart blue w/ glitter 11/20/2008 07:30:00 PM


ok so i've finished cleaning my room yesterday!!!

Isn't it clean, neat and tidy now???
wow!! i tink i did a great job!! haha!!!

That is a new space for my bears!!!!

And a cute monkey(from Clarice) on my cupboard door!!!

hope i can maintain the current condition of my room!!!


heart blue w/ glitter 11/20/2008 08:36:00 AM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008Y

hi everybody!! i'm back!!! haha not that i'm back from overseas but back to post something for my blog!!! HAHAHAHAHA
have been trying to keep myself busy these few days by starting the winter cleaning in my bedroom[n not following may to study for a levels haha] If you wonder why i called it winter cleaning, haha its because its suppose to be winter now... haha i noe i crapped!!

Since my preparation for prelims, my room has been flooding with tonnes of papers and books.... so the purposes of this cleaning are to clear all the books n papers to pass it to my sis, throw away those unwanted ones, and of course to clean away all the dust that has accumulated throughtout the year!!!

erm.. in case you dunno how messy it was, i've taken some photos of my room before the cleaning. This photo is used make comparison with the new look of my room(haha i meant neat n tidier room) and make me feel more proud of my work!!! (aiyo not to lie, my mum and dad and sis[did the least] did help, but still 90% of the work is by me!!!) so these are the photos... do i look studious??? haha;)

erm.. i never mess up my room just for the photo nor did i photoshop the pictures.. it was so messy cause i was tired then and LAZY to clear & keep the things!! as you noe i'm lazy pig so its normal for my room to be like this!! haha
but looking at these photos again make me feel rather embarrassed...
okay.. nevermind...
during the cleaning, i looked thru all the files & stacked up all the papers which are to be sold to the garang guni man!! haha
so this pic shows the stack of books and papers(which includes sec1 - 4 stuffs) for the garang guni man!
(dont you tink i killed too many trees???)

since i'm giving papers and books to the garang guni man, i shall be fair to my sis too... so i passed her all my textbooks(since she will be in the same stream as me), workbooks(for ss & geog) since i did not use it last year & this year, & all the notes, exam papers, & other miscellaneous worksheets to prepare her for Os!! hope that she will spend less time on tv, computer & more time to flip my papers!! :D
so this pic shows the amount of papers i've gave her(including those hiding in the box)!!
hehe looks like i've killed many trees in 4 yrs!!

haha! ya i started cleaning on sunday... & though 3 days have passed but my room is still under cleaning so no pic of the new room yet!! but will update once its done!!

okay thats enough for now!!

sweet grace;)

heart blue w/ glitter 11/19/2008 07:21:00 AM

Monday, November 17, 2008Y

a short post for today...
didn really online for few days (i tink)...
went to sch to c results n yes,
i, fy, mn, rpg n tet also in triple sci class...
but it is combined wif double sci...
will b having stressful days next yr cos all the top ppl r in the same class...
nvm... mus work harder...
tats all for now...
ohya, my sis is cleaning her room...
very guai hor...
i so lazy to clean the room...
mayb cleaning it after next week's camp???
bye byes!!!

i dun like camps,

heart blue w/ glitter 11/17/2008 07:43:00 PM

Friday, November 14, 2008Y


13th november 2008 marked the end of my BIG Os... but my happiness level wasnt the same as what i've thought it would be... theres a little happiness, a little tiredness n a pinch of sadness in the atmosphere, just like the weather yesterday...(cloudy yet theres the presence of weak sunshine) So let me give the reason for each feelings...

*o levels was over and freedom was given back to me
*my god daddy treated me for lunch n muffins
*went to bowl with frens where we cheered our hearts out
*played tennis at m-y's house

*spent 2 hrs to discuss the destination for our outing
[hard to imagine rite.. but it's a fact!!! tink we broke the world record of taking the "shortest" time to discuss where to go!!!]
*walked for hours untilour legs sore...
*due to staying up late the day before to study for bio
*partly because we got no place to go after bowling

*bid farewell with few frens cause not gonna see them until the release of results, unless fate bring us together on the streets of singapore
*tat day also officially end my life as a cedarian
*good frens may be going to different schools... so we will be separated...
*realised that it's difficult to get the entire clique to go out together...

ok i shall put these feelings aside n continue to live as a crappy girl. haha!!

To my frens....
hope we have a wonderful holiday ahead!!
hope we will receive excellent results at the beginning of next year!!
hope u have a good time working!!
bon voyage to those going overseas!!:)
oh hope u really like the pics!!


heart blue w/ glitter 11/14/2008 12:29:00 AM

Thursday, November 13, 2008Y


thanks yahoo&google!!

heart blue w/ glitter 11/13/2008 09:55:00 PM


these are the graduating pics marking the end of our Os!!!
hope u like them!!!
haha as usual i'm only accepting positive comments, no sarcastic wordings!!:)

*thanks yahoo&google image search engine!!

heart blue w/ glitter 11/13/2008 09:36:00 PM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008Y

12th NOVEMBER 2008!!!

oh my! 24 days have past!!! 576 hours have past!!! 34560 minutes have past!! n 2073600 seconds have past!!!
tmr is the LAST paper for my big Os!!!!
yea can start playing le!!!

aiyo cannot stop thinking bout the outing tmr!! where are we going? have been tinking bout this for more then 1 week n all of us havent decide yet!!! haha seems like we are VERY VERY SLOW!!! In the end, the most 'tedious' job [thinking where to go] lands in the hand of m-y... haha cause she's responsible n of course its because shes leaving on the 14th!!!
but still, both of us discussed thru msn just now n came up with a few options of places of "INTEREST". We purposely chose places which are really really interesting hehe!!
ya then as usual, the crappy me suggested to come up with an official option form:)
n this is the for:
**places of interest: 1) K-box(where we can sing until we mad n our throat sore!)
2) Pool (the one with long sticks n balls!! haha)
3) Swimming (part of the slimming package!)
4) Gym (where we train for NAPFA n most importantly for NS!!!)
5) Bowling (see whether we noe how to throw the balls)
6) Arcade (play, play, n PLAY!!)
7) OTHERS:________________[see how professional i m!!]

haha! dunno whether the rest will like these ideas so created an "other" option!! ya but i personnally hope that we can go k-box!! not because i sing very well but
because: (I) i havent been to k-box before!!
(II) have not sing using mike for years!! haha
(III) wanna hear ppl sing!
but its ok if they think k-box is ex n not worth goin cause the other choices are fun too!!!
aiyo really cannot wait for tmr's 9am!!

then the day after tmr....
me n tracy want to go airport to send tiffany, mei-ying, n mr omer off n say bon voyage to them haha!! cannot imagine wat mr omer will say when he sees us haha!! maybe "the pink bag girl's frens!!" haha but again havent really confirm if we are going!!!
then after the sending i wanna go SHOPPING!!! buy more clothes, skirts, etc...
oh my my holidays sound exciting man!!
ya the fun does not end with shopping.. theres more to come... we will be going to escape on sat!! oh gosh!! cant imagine the scene we scream our larynx out TOGETHER, have fun TOGETHER!! i'm super high now!!! but sincerely hope that it will be a sunny day on sat so that we can play the whole day ya!!

BUTBUTBUT... i'm not really satisfy with my new hairstyle n its making me sad!! i bet jaan will laugh the loudest tmr when she sees me, or may not even recognise me!!! my hair now is super short n i'm not used to it!!! so pls rmb NOT to giggle or laugh when u see me cause u will make me feel worse!!!

ok thats all for today!! going to study for bio le!! all the best for our last paper!!!


heart blue w/ glitter 11/12/2008 02:32:00 PM


[big thanks to google image search engine!! hehe]

heart blue w/ glitter 11/12/2008 02:30:00 PM

haha... part 2!!

MORE princesses!!!

*special thanks to disney.com!!

heart blue w/ glitter 11/12/2008 02:23:00 PM

haha...part 1!!

have been trying to find ways to relieve the accumulated stress.. so did some clique pics these few days!!
i tink the pics are super pretty & cute!!!
hope u like it!!!(only accepting positive comments haha!!)

*oh thank you disney.com for providing the materials needed for the pics(:

forever princesses!!


heart blue w/ glitter 11/12/2008 02:13:00 PM

Saturday, November 8, 2008Y


its another meet up with mr yau again!!! ya its another exciting session cause we had another shooting session in an arctic environment!!!(: interesting huh!!

then my family used the toilet break(but we arent in the toilet) to discuss bout the things we are doin aft the BIG Os. i felt so bad cause they all had a long list of things to do during the holidays, making their holi a fruitful one, n me... gonna slack thru out the term:( how?? will i be bored till i craz??? haha nevermind, if i'm really bored, i shall pop up at the bear shop n scared tracy n merri... but of course the main purpose of the trip to the bear shop is to add flavour to their work life!!! haha!!:)

ya then we tried to dicuss bout our outing aft Os... being technologically slow, we havent really confirm where we will be goin on 13th onwards... shld we go for lunch only or have more activities like bowling, singing, dancing... but u see theres a prob here... the band girls hav practices straight aft the paper... so we hav to split up again..(no more 10!) then if they join us aft 4 then where shld we go in the evening then?? aiyo.. headache... then as for the escape outing... i felt guilty when tiffany said she will forgo her hk trip with her parents!! problems problems problems... i dont like this feeling!!!

then another big problem arised. meiying is leaving for taiwan on the 14th so she can only go out with us on the 13th. so how??? now stomach ache le haha!!
as u can see... she cant go out with us to escape if we go on tat sat... so sad...
since we sure cannot hav a full grp going escape this time... shall tell tiff to reconsider of going to hk...
as usual, we will then have to count "1, 2, 3" n bow and start our discussion again.. [so shld we postpone it or some of us go tis time n we will have another full grp outing to escape when everyone is available???]
now how?

aiyo so many probs le.. hope that no more probs will pop out during the next few days...:)


heart blue w/ glitter 11/08/2008 03:39:00 PM

Friday, November 7, 2008Y

MIXED feelings

haha.. went shopping today and filled my bag with new shirts n new shorts... so happy... cause long time no shopping le...:)
then the neighbour who went with me bought a cane from the market for her grandchildren... but she bought it to early so we had to carry it ard the shopping centre... ya since i'm the filial one... i kept the cane in my bag... it was so long n was protruding out my bag... n i felt like i can start a war in the mall with this cane haha.
then started smsing jaan while shopping... we crapped alot(as usual, nothing special) but this time round one of her message heightened my joy for the day!!! it was my first time to noe that i can be a ss 'pro'... haha!! ya so thanks a lot jaan! without u, i wont noe that part of my strength is for ss.. haha
ya then at night... part of the feelings changed.. haha (but still can laugh!) cause i found out something... but i dont feel like mentioning it here.
ok tats all bye


heart blue w/ glitter 11/07/2008 07:54:00 PM

Tuesday, November 4, 2008Y

our tickets....
yOyO !!!

went to watch High School Musical at eng wah cinema (tpc) wif sis...
darm scary...
nt as the movie was scary....
is when we enter the cinema,
there was NO ONE...
it was the 1st time i watch a movie jus 2 ppl...
then a young couple went in....
they sat behind us....
a spot where we cant c...
when watching some parts of the movie,
i heard some noises n so i remembered some experiences my sis had shared wif me....
i keep asking her wad r the couple doing at the back...
my sis jus jiggle...
i n imagine wad she n i is thinking....
then when the movie is over,
we went out very quickly,
cos we didn wan to noe wad they were doing....
n tats the end...
went to look for something (cant say for the time-being)...
when we came out if the duno wad shop, (cant remember)
we saw chen li ping....
i remain calm until my sis tot i didn see her...
but she was wearing a yellow shirt,
had a bad experience of friendship....
dun wan to spoil tis blog so i shall not talk about it but,
always beware of those bside u.... they r bound to betray... (only to some cases)
tats all for today...
gd byes!!!!
waiting for 10 nov,

heart blue w/ glitter 11/04/2008 08:34:00 PM

went out with sis today morning to watch high school musical3 at eng wah cinema(tp)... though the movie was nice... but i can say it was scary watching it!!:0 dont be mistaken... i was scared by it as i felt that i've owned the whole theatre!! when we first enter the theatre, NO ONE was inside!!! and i mean no one! everywhere was dark n i got soooooo shock!!! oh my... i'm so lucky that i never choose to watch the coffin... if not i'll have night mare of jaan haunting me!! haha kidding la!!
ya then aft few minutes of advertisements... 1 young couple came in and sat somewhere behind us..(but we cant see them frm our seats la.) haha so i had to share 'MY' theatre with some others. hehe!! then i felt so awkward when my sis ask me a ques during the screening... aiyo can u imagine.. she asked me wat the couple was doin at the back [cause she heard some noises from the back]!! ya i heard the noises but wat ans does she want?? i can only give wat i imagined cause i dont hav eyes at the back of my head la!!! haha![dont think wrongly k!! n dont ask me wat they doing cause i couldnt see them in the dark!!]
erm then when the movie is over... both of us stood up and leave the place immediately cause i dun wanna noe wat happen!:) n tats the end of our interesting movie trip:)
eh my god-daddy's birthday is on tmr... wat shld i give him?? he got everything and i dunno wat he really really need!! think* think* think* haha! any ideas girls/guys?? maybe i shall just give him my best wishes:)(:
ok its evening le.. have to go study for higher mother tongue paper... jia you!


waiting for the 13th!

heart blue w/ glitter 11/04/2008 06:26:00 PM

Sunday, November 2, 2008Y

hEllO !!!!

tis blog is finally done....
took some time to do the template...
but its all finally done....
1st time sharing a blog...
hope it can b alive very long....
gt my own blog so sis,
u hav to keep tis blog alive.....
cos ur o lvl going to end in 2 weeks,
so u will b free to post more things on this blog....
hahas :)
feel free to tag in our treasure chest.....
i will try to post pics here....
(other than from my blog)
hope tat we still can b best of frens
even if we go to different classes....
mus remember
1st day of sch (2nd Jan '09) we will meet at the bench we always sit in the morning !!!!
tats all for today....


jiayous !!!

heart blue w/ glitter 11/02/2008 06:49:00 PM


my family!

our first complete outing months ago!!

the titans!:)

stay focused!

heart blue w/ glitter 11/02/2008 11:35:00 AM



wow!!! finally created the blog... took quite some time to tink of the template...etc.
braindrained!! but nevermind at least the blog came out nice!!!
so happy!! this is my 1st product in blogging!! haha(sound at bit jing di zhi wa)!!
didnt want to hav my own blog at first cause i'm lazy to update the blog.... but now since i'm sharing this blog with my sis(younger), she will be responsible to keep the blog ALIVE!!! haha... big responsibility huh!!! so jia you ann(cause your sis is a lazy pok mah)!!:)
yay!! so this will be a place for me to post all my photos...
erm may be this will be a platform for all my frens to stay in contact with me[esp. those who are goin to diff. sch:(]
eh.. let me say i'm quite friendly duh so (to ann's frens) u can always make fren with me and leave a message for me in our treasure chest!!:D not to worry... i wont eat u up cause i'm not a CANNIBAL!!!
so tats all for my very FIRST post in this blog!! i'll continue crapping next time!!!

All the best to all people(including me, myself) taking GCE O'levels! GOOD LUCK for the remaining papers!!:)

stay focused!
♥ gracey!!

heart blue w/ glitter 11/02/2008 11:03:00 AM